My development only depends on what I choose and what I reject in life.
The seeds of my future life are in me.
Liv Ullman

Price list

Consult 60 min 150 zł -180 zł
ISTDP trial session 150 min 400,00 zł
ISTDP trial session 180 min 500,00 zł
Regular ISTDP session 75 min 230 zł - 250 zł
Regular ISTDP session 90 min 270 zł - 320 zł
ISTDP group therapy once a week 120 min 140 zł (za sesję)
Psychodynamic psychotherapy session (classic) 50 min 150 zł -200 zł
Group therapy 120 min/60 zł* 120 zł (per session)
Away workshop (Nowe Kawkowo) 5 dni 1690 zł (sum),
900 zł (training),
790 zł (bed and breakfast)
Couple therapy, consultation and session 80 min 200-250 zł
Crisis intervention 50 min 150 zł

Street Wandy 11A/lok.2
03-949 Warszawa